Staff Protection
The National Health Service has a zero tolerance policy towards violent, threatening and abusive behaviour.
Staff in this practice have the right to carry out their work in an environment free from violent, threatening and abusive behaviour and everything will be done to protect that right. If you do not respect the right of our staff, the police may be informed and arrangements will be made for you to be removed from our practice list.
Clinical Commissioning Group
The Practice is part of the Shropshire CCG, William Farr House, Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 8XL. Tel: 01743 277500.
A contract to provide general medical services is held with the CCG. Services are available from 8.00am to 6.00pm.
Core Services
- General management of medical conditions
- Health promotion advice
- Emergency care if appropriate
- Referral to other services, if appropriate
- Urgently required care for temporary residents
Additional Services
- Cervical screening
- Contraceptive services
- Vaccinations and immunisations
- Child health surveillance
- Maternity services
Enhanced Services
- Childhood immunisations
- Anticoagulation testing
- Minor surgery
- Influenza vaccinations - aged over 65 and at risk groups
- Intra-uterine device fitting
- Minor injuries
- Near patient testing
- Pneumococcal vaccinations
Access To Medical Records
From 1st April 2016, patients registered with Broseley Medical Practice will be able to access their medical records online. To access your records, please complete a registration form here at the practice. We require photographic identification along with your completed registration form.
Allocated Named GP
From April 2015 all patients registered with this practice are allocated a named GP. Please ensure you are aware of the name of this person, as this is the Clinician who has overall responsibility for the care you receive from us. You may be asked for this information should you see an out of hours healthcare provider or require hospital treatment.
If you are unsure about any of the above please contact the surgery