What to do in a Medical Emergency
If you have a minor medical emergency, during surgery hours you should contact the practice first.
Minor Injuries Units
The minor injuries units offer treatment to anyone with a minor injury, if their own GP Practice is closed or cannot deal with the incident.
The Bridgnorth Community Hospital Minor Injuries Unit (Tel: 01746 762641) is open Monday to Sunday 8.00am to 9.30pm
If in doubt telephone the GP surgery or Minor Injury unit first.
Accident and Emergency (A&E) The two Accident and Emergency departments in Shropshire are at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (Tel 01743 261000) and Princess Royal Hospital - Telford (Tel 01952 641222) for more information about these Hospitals please click this link http://www.sath.nhs.uk/
For further advice you should dial 111, which is a helpline for urgent but not life-threatening health issues.